Liquid Death Social Media Audit

By Alex Cindrich

The purpose of this audit is to research the social media accounts of Liquid Death Brand that is mostly known for their drinks and sometimes their other products, on what they can gain from the views they get and ways that they can improve to beat or be better than their competitors. So, I started to gather information about the Liquid Death’s brand by going to their TikTok, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook; then what I did with the Information was I took it and put in an excel spreadsheet, which is on the top of this article.

When looking at Liquid Death’s socials I noticed that there was a huge change in followers from TikTok and Instagram so, will compare them because their third best account is Facebook with only 319k followers and had no traction of gaining more viewers than Insta or TikTok. Liquid Death’s TikTok and Instagram has the most followers with TikTok having (6.6 M) followers and Instagram with (5.2 M) and with those followers they should have gotten the most views, likes and comments. They do both have the exact same content, but their TikTok channel gains the traction of younger people that would buy their product, and Instagram would target more middle-aged people, while it also can target the same younger generation. They both post the same with Video’s and Photo’s.

TikTok Averages

  • Likes per post: 18,928

  • Comments per post: 209

Instagram Averages

  • Likes per post: 15,799

  • Comments per post: 257

(25 posts each on TikTok and Instagram, Posts are selected from July 1st of 2024 to February 19th of 2025 on TikTok and Instagram is from October 23rd of 2024 to February 19th of 2025)

Observation of social media care

Now the question is does the Liquid Death brand respond to others feedback or questions the answer is yes, on most platforms. When Liquid Death finds a comment that is saying that this is a good product or leaves a review, they will like your comment for other to see and show that you liking their product means a lot to them. If there is a comment or a review that has a question the team won’t have an issue to respond back to them to make the consumers life easier and Liquid Death has an answer if that question gets brought up again. When it comes to going for the bad reviews that they would sometimes respond which they either leave the comment alone or they would respond defending their brand and their community. When it comes the competition, they would also respond, but rarely which Liquid death can use to their advantage.

Observation and analysis of social media comments

After using Google Gemini I was able to find some comments to the Liquid Death brand and reviews. For the most part the reviews they have been getting is mostly positive on how cool the products are and how this product changed peoples taste in drinks. There was one review where the person thought the product was super dangerous to anyone, until they tried it, and he realized that there was no danger at all. There were reviews that were questions about the products and since they know people were confused, they respond to them and helped them find their way. There were a few comments even giving new ideas for Liquid Death to use, and comments showing why Liquid Death cares about recycling. However, there were some bad reviews that they would rather have competitor’s product instead of their own. There was a review that the product was terrible or not as expected. However, those kinds of bad reviews never stopped Liquid Death from responding. They responded with things defending their brand or apologized to the consumer for not having a good experience and appreciated the feedback.

Closing analysis and learnings

Overall, I think Liquid Death is doing a very good job representing their products, brand, and communities. Even though their content is similar for all their social platforms the content they post works in their favor. They’re somethings that the Liquid Death can improve on by posting different content for each social platform, but some could be the same IF the content they post is good. For Liquid Death they are known for more than just their drinks like they sell watches too. They love interacting with fans and would love to use content of others loving their products. Liquid Deaths brand might not be deadly after all. When it comes to their competitors Liquid Death has lots because of different products. First is all water brands for keeping their product simple and respectful. Iced tea brands keep their ingredients easy and low cost. Finally, both water and Iced tea companies always keep a consumer happy when they get one or multiple of the products.


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