Mobile Engagement- How is it Used in the Mobile World?
Learn how to leverage mobile engagement to guarantee customer loyalty and widespread use of your application.
Display advertisements- is their only purpose to annoy users?
This blog is an introduction to display advertisements. Everyone comes across them, but not many people know what they are and the main purposes behind them.
How has tiktok affected consumer spending?
Of all social media platforms taking the world by storm, TikTok has proven itself to be the most successful at increasing consumer engagement and spending.
Consumer Mobile tracking habits over time
Many apps and websites track our data and habits. There are many who question why and are uncomfortable that this is going on. Spotify is a prime example of how this can benefit us consumers
Marketing Within Mobile Apps- Kiara Lin
Nearly two-thirds of the mobile app fields are represented by ads. The allocated spending has surpassed $500 billion as of 2022 (Baar).
Instagram Mobile habits
With so many benefits of using mobile devices, it's no wonder people have developed certain habits. Let's take a closer look at some of these habits.
The Marketing Strategy for mobile apps: the past and present
A breakdown of how important mobile app marketing is.