Meet Drew Weil

Meet Drew Weil

Hi everyone, i’m Drew Weil a sophomore from Ft Lauderdale, Florida. I am a sports media major and looking to learn about journalism and writing from this class. I am a driven learner and always like to get work done early. I am persistent in what I do and am hoping to learn about different perspectives in marketing and social media. I grew up in Stuart, FL, which is about an hour north of Miami. I chose to come to Duquesne because of the Sports Media major and some generous Grants.

I am currently a sophomore here at Duquesne and work for the Men’s Basketball Team as a Student Manager. I absolutely love sports and would like to work in Basketball in the near future. I think its a great opportunity that gets me involved on hands on work in Division 1 Basketball.

I do everything from Laundry to Defensive grading postgame. I love traveling with the team and really enjoy getting to see so many different cities and towns across the US.

Throughout this Pandemic i’ve learned about the importance of time, I’ve realized how important spending time with family and friends is especially when life can be so short. Not being able to see my grandparents or other family members was extremely difficult. Luckily I was able to see them after but the pandemic did shed light on the importance of spending time with people I love.

I hope to learn about the importance of Media and Marketing in this class and cant wait for the semester.


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