Influencer Marketing- Jojo Beaumariage

How influencer marketing has changed advertising

Influencer marketing has swarmed the internet with the rise of youtube and social media full time ‘influencers.’ An influencer is a person who is regarded as an expert within their particular field that also has a steady following. With the rise of this ongoing career, we have a niche of marketing specific to influencers. We see on Hoot-suite that, “In influencer marketing, a form of social media marketing, brands pay that person to promote their product or service to their followers. (Newberry)” Having this person of fame that is trustworthy and reliable post and promote your brand is a key factor to reaching specific audience. When trying to promote a specific brand/product, finding influencers to work with that have the same mission/vision as you are what you look for in influencer marketing.

Social Media Focus

We see that there is a trend in purchases from a reference from bloggers and instagram influencers. “According to eMarketer’s estimates, 76.6% of U.S. marketers will use Instagram for their influencer campaigns in 2023 (Newberry).” With this number growing year after year, we can see that your post and the promotions used on these platforms shape marketing and sales for companies. For over 2 years now, we see that Instagram has been in the front of all marketing and influencer growth which shows us that this is the key platform that we need to focus on. With the recent growth in Tik-Tok and the influence it has on western culture, it is another outlet on the rise to focus on creating content and partnerships for.


Types of Social Media Influencers

  1. Nano-Influencers: 10,000 followers or less

  2. Micro-Influencers: 10,000- 100,000 followers

  3. Macro-Influencers: 100,000- 1 million followers

  4. Mega- Influencers: 1 million+ followers

We see with the categories of influencers, we can see where companies fit into these brands. With small business owners and companies that are beginning, we would use Nano and Micro Influencers to help promote there businesses. With local coffeeshops on the rise and small Etsy shops that have been created during covid, we see a mass market of growth in promotion of these companies due to influencer marketing. We also see on the other side of the scale where Mega-Influencers promote brands such as Rare Beauty, Peloton, American Eagle and many more of the big brand stores. The market that you promote is solely based on the amount of followers and engagement you get through your analytics. The Nano- Influencers are the ones who receive the highest amount of engagement in their post. With them being small and relying solely on their followers word-of-mouth, its ideal that they have a great connection with their audience.


Work Cited:

Newberry, Christina. “Influencer Marketing Guide: How to Work with Influencers.” Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard, 14 Feb. 2023,

Jojo Beaumariage


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