How Marketers Can Use Sensory Advertisements to Enhance User Experience
When considering not only how to design a website but also how to make an effective advertisement, user experience should always be the first step. Advertisements should show the user why they need a specific product to enhance their life and in order to do this effectively, the user does not want to feel that their experience on an app has been interrupted. An effective website will be “the more comfortable, easy and enjoyable it is for people” (Nahai 81).
When considering the user experience, it is also important to think about interactivity. How will the audience engage with the material? The most successful advertisements will “encourage users to engage with you (brand)” (Nahai 83). One way to effectively do this is through sensory advertisements. Sensory advertisements can be used to make the user connect emotionally.
The ad below features a photo of a beer and where the foam would be there is bubble wrap. This ad is effective because it engages the audience in more ways then one. Not only sight but also touch is being used. The language used also points to effective advertising. By calling it “de-stressing” foam the association is made that the beer will also relax the audience much like the bubble wrap is doing.
Our mobile devices already contain the necessary elements to stimulate people’s emotions and create memorable, engaging experience (Brandt). As mobile users we are programmed to engage when our phone lights up or pings. This mans that advertisements that do the same thing can be very effective.
An example of this is when playing a mobile game, an ad pops up and along with the image, there is a sound and the mobile device vibrates. This is catching the user’s attention and having them engage further then if it was just a pop up advertisement.
By Fiona Long