How Did Having a Streak Become So Important / A Priority?

By: Olivia Farwell


Ever wonder why or how we ended up so consumed and wrapped around the idea of sending each other pictures that don’t stick around? Or what is it about having a small flame next to someones name that we cant let go or as they say, “let the streak die”? Snapchat is now one part of our lives and our social lives that has become a routine for many of us.

Where Did Snapchat Come From?

Snapchat was created in 2011 by two guys who met at Stanford University. Spiegel and Bobby Murphy first created the app but it was called Picaboo. This was the first ever version of what we know and love today as Snapchat. The idea behind it was that they wanted to give people the opportunity to send photos, videos, and text messages to each other that eventually would disappear. The only problem that they ran into was the name ‘Picaboo’ was not suitable for the idea they developed. The disappearing effect only lasted so long until people figured out that they could screenshot the things that were being sent to them. Due to this, they decided to rebrand the name and call it Snapchat.


Are Videos A Thing?

In 2012, videos were finally introduced to Snapchat. People were able to send and receive videos that started out where they only lasted 10 seconds long. In today’s world, Snapchat can last up to 1 minute before closing. With this upgrade and new ability, with just one year of people using Snapchat, there was a total of 20 million snaps per day. This accounts for roughly 25 snaps per second. The app is so young and new to the world and in its early years of being in action it is taking off and people are instantly attracted to it. Not long after, that number of 20 million snaps, increased to 50 million snaps per day. Snapchat also made it easier for the user to snap the videos, something as simple as just holding down the capture button and watching the video record until they released it.

Next, in 2013-2014 Snapchat created another upgrade to the app. Now introducing stories and the chat function. Users can now keep up with their snap friends by seeing the things they posted to their stories. Keeping the idea of videos and pictures into play, they are able to post either of these to their stories for 24 hours before that disappears. The unique aspect of this feature is that people can go back and rewatch those stories. Something new and different since the idea behind Snapchat, in the beginning, was photos and videos disappear as soon as they are sent, received, and opened.

Filters, Lenses, & Bitmojis


Snapchat eventually had a huge upgrade and allowed users to get more personal with the app. FIlters became a new thing for users where they could interact with their pictures and change their image without completely ruining or taking away the effect of the picture. Some filters are used to interact with each other where you can send games back and forth through photos. This allows and adds a little competition between others. On top of interacting with yourself and making your photos more personal; Snapchat also has shown a new feature of lenses. Users can get more creative and humorous by adding things to their faces like bunny ears or warps to distort their faces. Those goofy Snapchat that people receive and usually end up screenshotting are most likely because they look hysterical and have a lense being used.

Another way Snapchat has made the user feel more personal while using the app is the app allows for the use of bitmojis. Bitmojis are small characters and figures that people can create and make them look identical to how they look in person. You can almost take yourself out of the real world and create your own animated self in your own small world you can create. Another cool factor that comes with bitmojis is that with some of the filters, bitmojis appear and when you are snap chatting with a friend both of your bitmojis appear together. People can have fun with this because there are so many ways and different scenarios that you can put them in which adds a little humor.



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