Pursue Persuade Pursue Persuade

Why Digital and Virtual Events Are Here to Stay

Since the pandemic has slowed down and world has begun to open again live shows are occurring more and more and virtual events are becoming a thing of the past. Many brands and companies are opting for live events over their digital counter parts because of the couple of downsides to the medium that have not been ironed out yet. This Should not be the case.

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Pursue Persuade Pursue Persuade

Is Influencer Marketing More Dangerous than You Thought?

Quick! Tell me who your favorite influencer is, now ask yourself how they got to their status. As we all know the influencer space is crowded and you need to differentiate yourself to make it in your niche space. However, many upcoming and successful influencers did not get to the top ethically. Let’s look at what their followers were willing to overlook due to the rose-colored glasses placed on them.

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Pursue Persuade Pursue Persuade

The History of the "Emoji"

The “emoji” was actually around since 1997 and was created for Japanese phones. Other forms of emoji’s existed after that, but did not gain popularity in the United States until the 2010’s.

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