Airbnb Social Media Audit

Written by: Alexis Start

Airbnb is a website that anyone can rent a home for a vacation stay. Other people list houses on Airbnb to make money. Someone can use Airbnb to let people rent, or be the renter. Airbnb is the perfect website to use if you don’t like hotels and would rather stay in a place that feels more like home. Airbnb has 2.24million different listings in the U.S.A. Airbnb is also used in France, China, and Italy. There are many more places that use Airbnb, those are just a few.


When going to Airbnb’s Instagram we initially see that the account is verified. I also noticed how plain the profile of the account was. The Instagram account has 5.6 million followers with them only following 1,732 accounts. The account posts every 1-3 days. Each post has its own caption that relates to the home that they post the picture of. The captions try to motivate you to want to stay at the house, but the caption tend to be very weird. Although they try to post houses that look aesthetic, the account is not pleasing to the eye. The most recent post is a beach home. Overall, the Instagram account is not one that I would follow due to how plain it looks. Airbnb has 3,586 posts on Instagram. The photos are very pleasing, but I think they should post other things and not just homes. They should keep taking amazing photos.

Instagram Page


When opening Airbnb’s Facebook page, we see they have 16 million followers, and 16 million likes. The account seems very pleasing, but they haven’t posted on the account since 2021. The account is verified, which is surprising with no posts. Their top content was also their most recent video. I think they should post more, and keep encouraging people. They mainly posted videos, and the most recent was an anti-Asian hate video.


Immediately opening X, the Airbnb X account is much more pleasing looking. The profile on X has a bio, but the same profile photo. The X account only has 879.5k followers, which is much less than the Instagram account. The account is verified. The most recent post on the account is a post about Taylor Swift. This account seems used the same amount as Instagram. I notice that with the X account they post relevant things, and not houses as much. The account seems to repost more things than creating their own content. I think they should post more, and not just repost. I like that this account keeps up with the trends. Their best post was anything Taylor Swift themed. Airbnb has 44.4k posts on X. Airbnb seems much more active on X with the amount of posts they have compared to Instagram. With X, it seems Airbnb has more fun with art compared to Instagram that only had houses.

X Page


When you open TikTok to Airbnb, we see they have 272.6k followers, and they don’t follow anyone. The account has 2.2 million likes on videos, and is verified. When scrolling through videos I noticed most videos had the color red, or the video was a cabin in the woods. These TikToks have also been kept up to date on different trends on TikTok. The most recent video was a home inspired by LaLa, and their best TikTok is their Shrek inspired home. I think they should keep their content, but make the videos more fun. The account has 87 posts, and posts every 6 days. The TikTok’s are used to promote their houses with some celebrities in the videos.

TikTok Page


Is Airbnb using its social media properly?


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