Germantown Friends School Social Media Audit
Germantown Friends is a K-12 school located in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. I attended Germantown Friends since middle school. It is ranked as one of the best, if not the best private high school in the state. I chose them for this assignment because they emphasize community and bringing people together. However, their usage of social media is limited and through analyzing I’ve found ways to capitalize on their success.
Findings of Social Media Accounts
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are the three main social media accounts the school uses. The majority of the posts and stories are posted simultaneously on each separate account. They promote school events such as assemblies. The accounts also serve as an access point for information such as admission dates.
On Instagram, the school’s handle is @germantownfriends. They have 3,850 followers and 1,593 posts. There were No pinned posts however, their top content this year was on Jan 7 which received 303 likes and 7 comments. The posts hover around the 200-300 likes range with 3-4 comments. Many being alumni, teachers, students who might have been in the posts, and parents. However, the target audience for the Instagram is students. They are the ones who repost the events on their story and bring traction to the account. As for Facebook, @GermanTownFriends, the account has the most followers at 5,366. Despite that, the engagement is very low with much of the follower engagement being memories of photos that they save on their page. Twitter, @GFSchool has low engagement and following, with 1,691. What they do differently is repost other brands and companies in the Germantown area of Philadelphia. Local companies and organizations that the school works with repost photos which if used properly can cause growth.
External Factors
Opportunities Aries from the usage of social media such as marketing towards different members of the community. For prospective students and families wanting to attend the school, times like admission season are crucial to using social media. Another method for opportunity is continuing the usage of Twitter and working with Germantown brands. Retweets, quote tweets and engagement will help grow the Twitter to be a more helpful means of communication. As for the threats, there are very little due to it being a school. However, other “friends” schools that are competition can be diverted by the usage of social media. Having unique, engaging and informative posts and announcements will make the accounts more presentable and used.
More engagement posts to bring the new and old, students and parents more in the community. An example would be Q&A through direct messages and stories which can assist with all while building the community. As they are continuously promoting social care, that is something to add on capitalize through community posts with other faces in the Germantown area. Having more students in the videos can be great for growth and putting a face and personality to the account to attract others.