Meet Baylee

Meet Baylee Martin


My name is Baylee Martin and I am a 20 year old senior in my final semester, studying Multiplatform Journalism and Digital Media Arts with a minor in Law and Politics. My dream and main goal in life is to be the person you see on TV every day delivering you the daily news, to pursue my passion for broadcast journalism!

Where do you get your news from?

If I had to guess, your answer is a social media platform. As someone who loves the creativity and self-expression of social media on my own personal accounts, I would love to fully understand the strategic and logistic sides of social media growth, as well as using social media as a professional outlet - as news is transferring to become completely digital!

Although I run the social media accounts for both Duquesne Student Television and HerCampus DuqU, I put a lot of effort into my personal socials as well (especially Instagram) and have always wanted to see growth as a result for my passion for design and editing. I would love to gain the knowledge to have confidence in pursuing social media!


3 Things I Hope To Gain From Social Media & Digital Marketing

1.    Learning how to create strategic growth strategies for brands that promotes optimal organic growth.

2.    To be able to track, understand and explain platform insights and analytics better.

3.    To learn SEO and how to apply it to various types of brands and businesses. 


Something To Know About Baylee

I had the opportunity to gain my first professional on-camera experience this past summer with the Pittsburgh Penguins and UnpackU for their collaboration on a project called, PenguinsU. I had to go through an audition process, and after two rounds of auditions, I was selected out of over 300 applicants to represent Duquesne!

Baylee doing on-camera work as a co-host and anchor for the Pittsburgh Penguins and representing Duquesne University for their Penguins U promotional video - advocating for mental health initiatives for college students in the Pittsburgh area.

I spent the next two weeks memorizing the script, but I was required to ad-lib a lot, too! (Which was perfect practice for being in news… You never know when you’ll have to deliver a message on the fly!)

Besides the jersey, I also got the opportunity to work with an amazing crew and some awesome people – including former Penguin, Colby Armstrong! I also worked alongside another college student, Kyle, and we shared our goals and plans together by utilizing strategies from the Pens themselves.

It was an amazing opportunity, and I’ll never forget it!


What The Pandemic Taught Me

I’ve learned a lot about myself over the course of the last two years. If there’s one thing I know now that I didn’t before, it’s to seek out opportunities and if you can’t find them, create them for yourself. Being an aspiring broadcast journalist, I had given up hope when it came to finding stories in a time when no one was really doing anything. I was put in a situation to learn this lesson the hard way when I contracted COVID-19 during finals in the fall 2020 semester. My final video project for one of my classes required me to be on campus. For me, this wasn’t possible, and I began to panic realizing that I was limited. In reality, I had the story right under me. Was it the best story in the world? No. But I put effort into making sure that everyone who watched it thought it was. This is how I created the project I’m most proud of today (and who knew it’d be done with COVID in my system). Not because it’s the best quality or the greatest story, but because it’s what I consider to be the turning point in my future career.


My Articles

Connect With Baylee!

Instagram: @bayleemartin.23

LinkedIn: Baylee Martin



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