A Guide to Marketing with Instagram's IGTV

Instagram has provided a platform for businesses to creatively showcase their products through pictures, videos, and live streams for years. But with the significantly growing amount of social media advertising, is a stream of pictures, a 60 second video post, or a live stream that is only viewable for one day enough? Instagram realized that the potential for advertising on their platform was beyond what they offered so they came up with something bigger and better: IGTV.

            IGTV is a form of mobile video accessed through the Instagram app. Sitting vertically in the palm of your hand, viewers can get closer to the content they love. It is amazing that all it takes to instantly enter into a whole new world of content is to tap the small tv icon in the top right corner of the Instagram app.



            Anyone can be a creator on IGTV and the opportunities are longer! Create a video that you can permanently showcase to a global community of more than 800 million people. Discovering new people and new people discovering you has never been simpler, and right at your fingertips.

            After tapping the video icon, videos play instantly. No having to search or browse to get started. If the perfect video for you doesn’t pop up immediately, hit the browse button and look for the content you want to see. To benefit a business, followers that interact with the business’s content the most will see that business’s IGTV videos first. So not only is that business reaching new followers but are also staying present in the social media world of their current follower group.

            IGTV offers a new creative outlet for advertising.  Since there are little restrictions and not much of a process to get on IGTV, creative freedom is boundless. Similar to how Netflix has allowed numerous creative projects to come to life, so has IGTV.  Marketers can now appease to numerous forms of entertainment such as comedy, sexuality, and drama while subtly putting their products on the market.



           To continue, Guy Kawasaki in his book, The Art of Social Media, emphasizes the importance of entering new platforms. Kawasaki explains, “It’s much easier to amass followers when a platform is new, because there are fewer people to follow and much less noise.” He continues, “A new platform is a landgrab: if you want to have a lot of followers on it, you have to move rapidly, where ‘rapidly’ means before it’s clear that the platform will succeed.” IGTV may not fit the exact definition of a “platform” but encompasses all the same possibilities for a business who is looking to reach a new audience.

            Let us know, what will be your first IGTV video? Press the “+” button in the right-hand corner, choose the video, add a title and description, link your video to an external page, and show the world who you are in a way that speaks louder than pictures and longer than 60 seconds.


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