Why Visuals in Social Media Marketing are Important

A major part of selling a brand is knowing how to communicate the right things.  We find the fine-tuned details from written content. However, there must be an initial interest present in order to even be attracted in reading detailed content. Perceptions of everything comes from our senses (sound, touch, taste, smell, and visuals).  Visual perception is highly important when building a brand given that 90% of the information we receive is obtained visually.  Marketing and design teams of a brand use different strategies to ensure that their audience’s visual perception is immediately pleased.


There are many things to keep in mind when marketing and designing while also considering an overall content strategy.  Without accurate or attractive visuals, not many people will take the time to view what someone is trying to say – despite what the message is.  



There are a few different ways to effectively achieve successful social media marketing.


Graphics: Graphics can help a brand illustrate their ideas in a way that stays consistent. Meaning, they can follow a color scheme or use certain characters that can become recognizable for an audience.  Graphics are limitless. You can add as little or go completely over-board.  


Photos: These can give the audience a real life feel for what you are trying to sell. Giving a sense of reality to your audience can ensure trust with your brand.


Videos: Lets be honest, we’re lazy! It’s much easier to watch a video that conveys information than it is to sit and read the facts. Videos can also give you real examples of the brand in action.  They can also be infographics trying to communicate an idea, point, or explanation.


Data-Visuals: Items that communicate numbers and facts in an easy way can help an audience further understand an explanation.  Charts and graphs are used very often when attempting to show bigger picture results 


Quotes: Putting an influential or recognizable quote can draw people in with interest. If they like the quote, then they’ll most likely like what the content is about. 



Aside from the technicalities of visual concepts, there is also a certain aesthetic all brands follow when working on their social media.  Their color scheme, fonts, templates and overall style stay consistent throughout all marketing. This makes a brand recognizable. When people recognize you, then your brand’s name becomes something that people know to stop and look at. 



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