Pandemic Effect on Social Media
By: Caterina Posa
While in lockdown, we were very limited with who we were around. Social media gave us a feeling of connection and let us connect with the outside world. The pandemic effected social media and the way we use it. Some of us used it to feel less lonely and some used it as a way get information on the pandemic. The usage of social media increased and changed the way we use it. For some people, they had to stay off of social media and for others, it was their lifeline during the lockdowns. We used social media as a way to connect with people and for entertainment, while keeping up with the latest news.
Social Media and Mental Health:
Social media reached an unprecedented peak during the lockdowns. These platforms were a substitute for social interaction and gave us a feel of belonging. Some of these platforms gave off different vibes for many different reasons, though. There are some that thought social media during lockdown helped them to connect with people they were not able to see, while some felt that it made their mental health drastically change. Social distancing has forced lifestyles to change, which put a strain on mental health. “Many online counseling services that use social media were created and began to rise in popularity as they could safely connect mental health workers with those who need them.” Many of these services were created due to the fact that so many people online needed to talk to someone. In studies, it was said that social media during the pandemic made them feel overwhelmed and anxious and they had to delete all their social media. There are others though that said it made them feel less lonely and “brought back the social aspects of social media.” Usage in some platforms increased due to the fact that it kept the world together. Social media helped some people cope with the lockdown and the pandemic. With not seeing people, social media made people feel like they were actually socializing.
While some felt that social media was helping them connect with others, some had to delete social media.
A Social Lifeline:
Social media was used more for information than entertainment during the pandemic. It made some feel like they could do something about what was happening in the outside world. There was a boost in live streams, online shopping, and certain platforms. Platforms had changed and gained more popularity once the lockdown had started. Facebook and YouTube had the greatest presence to them, along with TikTok and Twitch. Live streaming emerged more while in lockdown. Live streaming gave viewers a feel that they were really there and not at home. Twitter also established covid hubs, which is only for covid related information. Since consumers were spending so much time online and not able to go shopping, online shopping rates skyrocketed. This was an opportunity for brands to share information about themselves and increase brand awareness. There were many different challenges going across the internet to keep people entertained and connected. Some celebrities also took to social media to connect and interact with their fans. Some people felt that they were posting more but some felt they posted less because they had nothing to post.
How it changed:
During the lockdown back in March, the way social media was used had changed. Social media became a platform for current news and events. Everyone was dealing with the same thing, so the internet was full of information for covid. Whether that was correct information or misinformation- which became a problem. Social media became the main form of communication. Facebook’s analytics department reported over 50% increase in overall messaging. The pandemic shifted users away from worrying about self-image in their presence. There was less pressure to represent yourself unrealistically. More men than women say that they are more open about personal struggles on social platforms now. This is something that is always hard to do on social media. Along with spreading information, memes were used as a distraction to the real world. It brought humor to the situation, making people feel better. In 2020, “Americans spent an average of 82 minutes per day on social media, a 7-minute jump from 2019.” We wanted to stay connected and up to date, so we spent over an hour on social media a day.
There was misinformation being spread throughout the lockdown
Social media was used more for information than entertainment during the lockdown period of the pandemic. Staying up to date on the news and current events is the top reason for logging into social media, globally. During the lockdown, social media gave people a sense of belonging and connection. It was something that kept us going and gave us a distraction to the real world. For some, it was the other way around, it made them feel lonelier, and when they deleted their social media, they felt a sense of relief. The pandemic effected social media and will not be the same after the pandemic.
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