Online Etiquette Rules

Online Etiquette Rules

In our modern world, online etiquette needs to be talked about as so many of our interactions occur there. I’m going to talk about some key rules to follow in this article when communicating online with other people.

1.     Be respectful. This may seem like a no brainer, but one would be shocked at the comment section underneath a picture posted in Instagram or a video on Youtube. Some people are so bored with their lives and have nothing else better to do than comment such harsh things underneath people’s content. That said, treat people the way that you want to be treated. It is as simple as that- just follow the Golden Rule. Furthermore, if it is something that you would not say to someone’s face, then do not say it while hiding behind a screen.

2.     Be careful with humor and sarcasm. Have you ever misunderstood a text that was received by a friend that was meant in a certain way, but you took it in a wrong way? The number of times that this has happened to me is insane, and I know for a fact that I am not the only person who has experienced this. To avoid those awkward moments, always double check what you are sending- almost like proofreading your work! Also, double check that the person you are sending it to is the person it is meant for! You do not want to have that moment where Aria sent a text meant for Ezra to her mom in the series Pretty Little Liars. Check out this link for an uncomfortable exchange!

4.     Grammar and spelling matter, depending on the environment you are in. Depending on the environment you are in, spelling and grammar do matter. If you are in an educational place (for example, a typical classroom where you use technology or in a classroom setting held on zoom), you must be careful with your grammar and spelling. The students are expected to learn from the teacher or the higher authority, so they must set an accurate example of what to do.

5.     Don’t post or share anything inappropriate online- ever. Even though you may think you may have deleted something you regret posting online, nothing is actually gone forever. Once you put it out there, it will always remain out there. Enough said. As my mother used to say to me, if your grandma would not want to see it, do not put it out there for the world to see.

6.     Use the correct pronouns/titles. Being in 2022, the world is moving towards a more progressive future. When one would log onto LinkedIn, they would see profiles that have people’s pronouns in them. This just lets people know how they identify and how people can be respectful of them when referring them. When it comes to professors’ titles, students need to ensure that they get this correct. These individuals when through so much schooling to earn the title they have, so the least we can do is respect that by getting it right when we type it out.

7.     Be careful with your tone. This may be one of the most important things to discuss when writing about this topic. Individuals need to be weary of their tone when communicating online. If someone misunderstands the tone of your voice, then they could be offended or have their feelings hurt. This could have the slippery slope effect and tumble into something more simply because of a misunderstanding. All of this can be prevented if one just watches how their tone may come across to someone else. Maybe the writer should read out what they wrote to themselves to see how they would take it.


In 2022, our world is primarily online, and our communication occurs there by default. These tips can hopefully ensure that said communication can occur in a respectful manner.


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