People are increasingly switching from computers to mobiles

5 Reasons Why Mobiles Engagement is on the Rise

Clearly it is no shocker that mobile phones are the most used technology in the world, and for this reason mobile engagement is growing and people are now replacing phones with computers. Currently over 1,900 million people are using mobile phones all over the world. The Smartphone market has increasingly risen, users now can you use their smartphones for pretty much everything.

Here are some reasons why mobiles are the new computers

1)    Availability (Portability)

Mobile phones are always available to users because we carry our phones everywhere, they fit in pockets and are much easier to port than computers.

When using a computer, the user is limited because he or she only has the computer available in certain places in the other hand you have unlimited availability when it comes to mobile phones

2)    Accessibility

Mobile devices are becoming more and more popular because society nowadays days want everything accessible right now, and mobile devices allow users to connect almost everywhere. Mobile phones provide access to news, social media, information, and networking in just instances. Computers do not provide the versatility that mobiles devices do.

3)    Industries are becoming mobile friendly (Apps)

Many industries such as banks, business corporations, shopping centers, gyms, and education centers are making banks and online services for mobile devices. Even people with no desire to own a mobile device have been force to adopt one because it is now extremely difficult to manage personal affairs. Almost every industry have mobile apps that makes users more engaged in mobile.

4)    User friendly

With the popularity of mobile devices, the mobile industries have made their mobiles phones more user friendly to make this them universal device that users from all age ranges can use.  Nowadays young kids can easily learn how to manage mobile devices and even baby boomers because of how user friendly they are.

5) Facilitates lifestyle

Mobiles offer many apps and features that facilitate the lifestyle of individuals. It ranges from knowing the weather, offering a calculator, navigating the internet,  tracking your lifestyle, proving alarms and reminders, and even offers a GPS. Having so many features in a super portable device just makes mobile something you need to carry with you always to the point that individuals forget they need a computer because mobile replaces almost every feature, therefore facilitating one’s lifestyle.

With smartphones increasing more and more, people are engaging more in mobile use rather than in computers. For this reason, businesses are talking a “mobile first” approach to design their websites. According to the latest Digital Future in Focus report from comScore smartphones have four times more usage than computers. They also concluded that mobile users consume more than two times minutes compared to computers. Clearly mobile usage is dominating the internet industry.


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