Mobile AI Assistants - Alexis Start
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of humans or other animals.
We use AI as kids in school to help us write papers or think of different things to write about. (AI) Is a very controversial topic because some people like it and others tend to think its bad for humans to use. Artificial Intelligence is also the figures of robots because they are machines.
One of the biggest AI tools we use is Chat GPT. Chat GPT is an online free AI assistant tool to use. This can be found by just searching it up in safari, etc…
About a year ago, snapchat came out with a free AI assistant that is pinned to your home screen. Many people found this creepy, but it is a helpful tool to use to for any questions.
Another AI assistant that we commonly use is Siri, and even Alexa.
This is what a typical snapchat background would look like with an AI on the screen. Many do not like this AI because when it first came out, everyone was wondering if it could tell you your location. At times the bot would know where you were, and other times it would deny knowing any location of you. There have been times where kids would ask this AI inappropriate things and it would answer. This is the reason many do not like or use this AI bot. The bot is a helpful tool to always have at your hands, but there are times where you shouldn’t ask the bot certain questions. Many make up that the snapchat AI can pull out information from your phone, but in reality it only knows what you let snapchat know.
This is a picture of the famous Amazon Alexa. Alexa is put in homes to play music, play games, or answer questions for you. There has been a debate on if the Alexa is an AI. Homes now can be run off of Alexa’s because they are that intelligent. Alexa can be used to just have a typical day conversation, or she can start up a conversation for you. Everyone loves being able to play song quiz on Alexa. Song quiz is a game where up to four people can be playing, and each person takes a turn guessing the song Alexa is playing. Alexa has been worked on lately to be more private and secured with things. Alexa keeps being updated to keep up with the new generative AI technology. Alexa can even set alarms, and set timers for when you need. Amazon does have an Alexa app, so you can access Alexa through your mobile device.
Alexa tends to change colors with different needs. When you first say “Hey Alexa,” she tends to turn blue and partly green. In the book “Webs Of Influence: The Psychology Of Online Persuasion” by Nathalie Nahai talks about the psychology of colors. She explains how the color blue is meant to be a calming and relaxing color. The color green as explained by Nahai is represented by nature, which is also very calming. This would by why Alexa’s main color is blue and partly green. “One of those rare colours that seems to have universal appeal, blue is generally viewed as calming,” said Nahai (107).
It feels like talking to a human being,” an Amazon executive claimed.”
Before the Alexa came to be as popular as it is now, there was Siri. Siri was introduced in 2011, and was considered a breakthrough of technology at the time. Siri is another AI assistant, but can be used directly from your Apple devices. By saying “Hey Siri” you can have her do anything such as texting a friend or playing music. She was the first mobile AI assistant before Alexa. Siri is used by holding the power button on an IPhone and she will respond based on voice recognition. Many new AI’s have surpassed Siri in smarter ways, so now Apple is planning on bringing out a new AI that will be much smarter than Siri. Siri is a free assistant with only Apple devices. A nice tool to have with Siri is being able to disable her whenever you feel you don’t want her.
Alexa & Siri
Alexa and Siri are both free tools to be able to use wherever. Alexa can be a physical Echo Dot, while Siri is built into your phone. Both AI’s can function the same way, and do almost the same exact things. Amazon has many different Alexa devices to be able to run your house while Siri is only functionable on Apple devices.
Chat GPT is an online, and free AI assistant. It was released in 2022 as an open AI chatbot. Chat GPT is used to help learners with conversations and styles of language. Chat GPT is used to help with essays, coding, and anything with language.
Pros Of AI
Translate a language
Help write a paper
Reduction in human error
Digital assistance
24/7 Availability
Unbiased decisions
Cons Of AI
High costs
No creativity
Make humans lazy
No ethics
Nahai, Nathalie. Webs Of Influence: The Psychology Of Online Persuasion. Great Britain, Pearson Education, 2017