Avoiding the Pitfalls of Lazy Online Presence

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The world has largely shifted to a digital medium. In fact, in the United States alone, 71% of the total population uses social media on a daily basis.Communication and e-commerce were soon to follow as the internet has revolutionized every aspect of human life. Majority of consumer attention has shifted to online mediums as a way of gathering information. Companies looking to turn this attention into business must understand how to interact with their target markets. It is not enough to simply exist online anymore. The consequences are lost business and market share to other competitors. Not establishing your online identity can lead to a bevy of problems.

  • If you fail to capture your customers attention, you will start to lose touch with who your online market is and who is really supporting your company. A customer uninspired by your online presence is much more likely to equate your business to lacking in value proposition. It’s near impossible to build loyalty when there are few individuals who believe in your company and what you’re selling.

  • If you are struggling to establish an online identity, video marketing, personalization, and influencer marketing are all avenues from which to start differentiating yourself from others. For example, email personalization has been cited for increasing response rate by 100%.  

  • It Is also common to fall into the trap of simply posting to sell every single time on every area of the web. Repeatedly trying to sell on every post is a surefire way to lose the customer’s interest quickly.

  • Instead, an alternative would be to give away value to your following. This strategy, over time, will build up trust between customer and company as the company well appear knowledgeable in the eye of the customer.

  • Secondly, this gives the customer an added sense of value in following you. They are no longer following you to buy your products, but your company has now become the first place that customer will think to look for insight on your particular topic of expertise. It has been reported that “43% of people want to see more video content from marketers.”

    Integrating your company and positioning it as part of a customer’s life or common news filtering cycle is crucial in customer relationship building. Creating content other than what you are selling provides value on the back end as it now has a higher percentage chance of being shared. This means you will be rewarded for your work by your customers in the form of being shared or posted, which in turn will increase your reach. Although it is not an investment in business results one can see immediately, it is an investment that can be monitored in terms of brand awareness and online audience building.

Nidhi, Dave. “11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019.” Single Grain, 25 Oct. 2018, www.singlegrain.com/digital-marketing/11-digital-marketing-trends-you-can-no-longer-ignore-in-2018/.

Warner, Christine. “10 Social Media Usage Statistics You Should Know (and What They Mean for Your Marketing Strategy).” The Content Standard by Skyword, 26 Apr. 2018, www.skyword.com/contentstandard/marketing/10-social-media-usage-statistics-you-should-know-and-what-they-mean-for-your-marketing-strategy/.


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