Live Digital Events

The ability to go live on social media such as Facebook and Instagram is helping businesses especially small ones grow their communities and become more involved with the world.

Businesses and social media influencers should really stress the importance of live events on social media.

Businesses and social media influencers should really stress the importance of live events on social media.

By: Olivia Farwell

Covid-19 is still affecting the world and pushing people to rely more heavily on the digital world.

When the pandemic struck, so many businesses were shut down and not able to run fully due to not being allowed to have people come inside their doors. Not only was this a huge hit to restaurants, but small businesses that sold clothing for example had to rethink their way of keeping their name alive. Since you could no longer go into a store and have that face-to-face interaction with employees and even the owners, these companies had to start getting a little more creative to make sure they were not going to lose any consumers. The entire world turned to technology and becoming more digital. There began to be more business Facebook pages and Instagrams to help market, advertise, and most importantly stay in touch with their communities.

However, only having these social media pages and posting here and there really is not enough. One side effect of this pandemic has been the number of people who suffered from mental illness. We started to see more and more people become less a part of the world and they just basically curled up in their houses and that was it. Then there are some people, who for the most part have not had any interaction with other people outside of their immediate families because they are scared to be in contact with others. Two problems have emerged from this pandemic; how are businesses supposed to stay on their feet? And, how can we interact with people in the community and in the world and still keep everyone safe?

The answer is to have live interactive digital events to bring it all together in one place.

Staying Connected With The Community

A problem that has restricted normal interaction with consumers and employers, is the fact that in the beginning, there were restrictions that prohibited people to go into businesses. Consumers could no longer ask questions about the products they were thinking about purchasing and they also could no longer try on items such as clothing or shoes. Even though these may seem like not that big of a deal problem, they are still important in the consumer employer world of business. Not only does it help the consumer, but it also allows the business to make a name for themselves. If they can really make good impressions on their customers then those customers will recommend them to their friends or their families. This allows growth for a business. By going live on digital media, they can remain in contact with their consumers. In some ways, this might even be better for businesses.

By going live, even though it is through technology, consumers can still have “face-to-face” contact with businesses. They can ask questions about any product or any sale or really anything they want to know. Instead of waiting around or waiting in line for the next available employee to assist you, whoever is running the live event can acknowledge everyone. When you run a live event, questions and comments pop up directly on the screen for everyone to see. What the employer can do then is acknowledge you on top of the question or comment you asked and you can get an answer immediately. So, even though you cannot interact in person or face to face directly, you can still manage and keep building relationships and making a name for yourself. Plus, if you remain in contact and still provide good customer service, more than likely your business is going to grow because of that impression.

Stay connected through the good and the bad times.

Stay connected through the good and the bad times.

Mental Health and Depression

Covid-19 has trapped people in their houses and restricted them from having any kind of interaction with anyone throughout their days. One thing that is known, is that being alone during difficult times can really take a toll on someone’s mental health state in a negative way. Due to the lack of interaction with other people, more and more people have experienced more mental health issues like depression. After all, human beings are social creatures that need that interaction in order to flourish. Having live digital events can help keep that interaction and help people who may be struggling a little more than others. Even though it is through technology and not the real deal interaction that people may wish they could have it is still something.

Live digital events can give people something to actually look forward to and give them a reason to get out of bed. It gives them something to do because most people during that time of shutdowns and lockdowns, people were not even able to work from home. Companies and social media influencers can provide to those in need and they may not even know that they are impacting someone’s life that much. That is the bright side of having the ability to stay connected through social media.

Mental Health is important, but live digital events can help someone in need.

Mental Health is important, but live digital events can help someone in need.


For someone like me, whose family owns and runs two successful businesses, I understand the importance of making sure your community and your trusted consumers stay involved with you. One thing that would have helped us more during the initial impact of COVID-19 in my opinion would have been if we really stressed the use of social media, even taking advantage of the ability to go live. Overall, I think since the world is so wrapped around technology and there are so many reasons for social media, there can be huge impacts on it all. If you really want to grow your small business or get yourself to the next level as being a social media influencer then you really should consider hosting live events to become more involved in your community. Build that trust with your consumers or followers that ensures them to brag about you and promote you by recommending you to their friends or families. The world is so much different now, but we have the tools to keep growing and flourishing in it. Dont knock it before you try it.

To find out more or just how important social media live digital events are click here to watch my video!


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