Sharing and Tracking my Blog Article
When I planned my blog post, I chose to use email and Facebook. I chose Facebook over LinkedIn because I’m more familiar with the layout and thought the post would be more likely to be seen. Through the use of trackable links, I was able to gauge how many impressions my emails and posts were able to generate. Below are screenshots of my results.
I’ll be honest, my results are underwhelming to say the least. My emails received the least impressions (only 3), while my Facebook actually received the most (9), with my SMS link lying in the middle with 5. Nine definitely isn’t a lot, but considering my Facebook account really only reaches my family, I’m not shocked. It's a small group, and the most engaged members are my grandma and my great grandma, so while they might be supportive, their overall reach is limited. Although the link sent through email received the least impressions, the people who opened that link stayed on the site significantly longer than those who used the SMS or Facebook links. I think this is probably because I emailed friends that I knew would be open to checking out my project rather than just posting to a large audience of people who really don’t care or being sent to a group chat that might just ignore the message. The targeted approach of email, even with a small audience, seemed to generate more engaged traffic. For next time, I think that utilizing something like Instagram, where I have the most people engaging with my content, would definitely help me to receive more impressions. I also need to think about how I share the link on Instagram - a simple post might not be enough. Perhaps a story with a swipe-up link, or even a short video introducing the project, would be more effective.
Trackable Links: