Social Media Audit - Delight @ Duquesne
Delight is an organization that is on Duquesne campus and I have the privilege to run the social media account. The only social media platform that we use is instagram which is what I will be writing about!
Instagram is the platform that we use and our handle is delight_duq. We currently have 182 post overall and 398 followers. This account and organization has been on campus since 2020 and started to pickup after the pandemic. This year to date, I have posted 23 times on the account to grow engagement. Our engagement currently ranges from 10-60 likes and 2-8 comments on a post. We have gained 20 followers in the past month but have also lost 21 followers. This was surprising since engagement recently has been better this past year. This group focuses on college women so when studying the demographics they seemed quite accurate. There is 86% of women and 13% of men that are our followers. The men tend to be friends, family or boyfriends of those who are in the club and want to support. One of our goals is to grow to 415 followers by the end of the semester to hit that next milestone number.
SWOT Analysis
Our strengths are that when we post photos with the members in them, we get a high percentage of likes. Knowing this, posting more photos together and good editing is helping grow our engagement.
Our weaknesses is that we cannot keep a steady like count on our page. Trying to keep engagement is hard when using graphics so utilizing a mix of both will steady it out.
External Factors
Other schools with this organization use instagram reels more often than we do which is something we can grow in.
Other schools that are smaller than us have more engagement and followers which is something need to grow in.
Recommendations/ Social care
For this organization, I would recommend that we stay away from more graphic edits and post more photos with the members that are in the club. Doing this will have our engagement rise since the research of our page shows what gets better engagement and what doesn’t. For social care, using instagram and the option to directly message the organization is the best way I have found to communicate with a brand. While preparing for kickoff this spring semester, having our DMs open to have women text us was so easy and nice to communicate. We would get asked about times, dates, pricing and it was easy/quick to respond to them using this feature.
Jojo Beaumariage