Meet Conlan O'Donoghue

Hello everyone, my name is Conlan O’Donoghue and I am a junior from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am a sports media major and looking to learn about marketing and writing from this class. I am a visual learner and like to get work done as fast as possible. I am persistent in what I do and am hoping to learn about different perspectives in marketing and social media. I grew up in Canonsburg, PA, which is about 45 minutes south of Pittsburgh. I chose to come to Duquesne because of the Sports Media major and because I am a hometown kid.

I am currently a junior at Duquesne and work for the Men’s Basketball Team as a Student Manager. I absolutely love sports and would like to work in the NBA in the near future. I know how valuable of a great opportunity this gets me involved with, especially hands on work in Division 1 Basketball. It gives me the ability to work with Division 1 student athletes, learn from coaches, and get professional connections along the way. This is a key piece of exploring different options in which I have learned in this major. You can be good at broadcasting, but could learn more about subjects such as journalism, marketing, public relations, and sound design. These are great for a resume and phenomenal tools to carry with myself at the age of 20 years old.

I do everything from Laundry to Offensive grading postgame, to aiding in drills in practice activity during the daytime. I love traveling with the team and really enjoy getting to see so many different cities and towns across the United States. It is an opportunity that I don’t take for granted, and would recommend to all students who are in the Sports Media and Info. major program here at Duquesne University.

After my grandma passed away in 2023, I learned about the importance of time, and realized how important spending time with family and friends is, especially when life can be so short. You should be around others that constantly support you and are behind you all the way. I’ve learned to take the big risks and go after any opportunity that God gives me.

I want to learn about the importance of Media and Marketing in this class and want to be able to have the ability to say I’m advanced in a lot of the Sports Media and Information background.

My Articles

What I’ve Learned

Throughout the year, I’ve learned many valuable lessons in marketing, analytics, creating website blogs and layouts, and more. I learned how to effectively use LinkedIn and get discovered. I have learned how to measure Google Analytics by creating a link and tracking it through the week after a post. Our group project was very insightful in showing a team effort includes multiple individual efforts and collaboration. The skills I learned this semester are of great use to me and I plan to utilize my new skills right away.


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